I blushed bright red at having forgotten my nylons, so I came up with a quick excuse to cover my faux pas, "Uh. yes. It's just that Mom didn't send a camisole or slip, and I was nervous about wearing this thin blouse. Look! My bra is clearly visible through the thin fabric!"

"Oh, don't be such a prude, Barbie!" Diane chastised. "Your breasts are nothing to be ashamed of. Give the boys a thrill!"

"Okay, if you're sure," I answered hesitantly while the other two girls giggled their approval. With them looking on, I buttoned my blouse and carefully rolled on my smoky gray pantyhose. I looked at my colorful toes, trim ankles, curvaceous calves, and shapely thighs and couldn't believe I was dressing as a girl in the presence of real girls who had no idea of my gender!

To further conceal my identity, I stepped into my short skirt, pulled it into place, and closed the side zipper as if I had done this sort of thing all my life. When I slipped my feet into my two inch pumps, my image was a cute, blond teenage girl. A tear formed in my eyes as I thought how I had spent an entire night with three girls who accepted me as one of them. "Thoughts like, 'How could I have fooled them? How had I changed so much? What had happened to my manhood?' filled my mind.

Both Bob and I were so proud of how well Ted had managed the pajama party. Another hurtle had been passed. Ted had passed as a teenage girl amongst other teenage girls in the intimate confines of a pajama party. This had a profound affect on Ted. He couldn't understand how he could pass so well nor why the intimacy with the girls hadn't set his male hormones in motion.

The next day, after returning from school, Ted announced, "Todd asked me to go to a movie with him Friday night, but I told him I had to get my parent's permission. We all know I can't go on a date with a horny seventeen year old boy, so how do I put him off?"

I was pleased at how well Ted was assimilating into the school routines, and I was ecstatic that Todd had asked him for a date. "Tell him YES," I exclaimed. "There is no better way to be accepted as a girl than dating a viral young man!" "That's right, Barbie," Bob agreed. "Tell Todd you have our permission to go out with him, but you must be in by eleven."

"I shouldn't have a curfew," he moaned. "After all, I'm really a full grown man."



"You were an adult male, Barbie," Bob corrected. "But you are a fifteen year old girl now and my daughter. Unless you want a sound spanking, you'll do as I say without complaint."

"Y...yes Daddy," Ted replied, bowing his head in sub-


Bob had spanked Ted several times over the past weeks, but he no longer had to do it forcefully like the first time. He would merely tell Ted to get into position, and Ted would demurely raise his skirt and slip to his waist. With his panties revealed, he would obediently lie across Bob's knees to receive whatever punishment was due. As a result, he now submitted to Bob as his father in all matters with little or no argument.

On the night of his date, Ted was a bundle of nerves when he came home from school. "Have you selected your outfit?" I asked.

"No," he stammered.

"Okay, come to your room, and I'll give you a hand," I offered.

"Oh, would you Mom? That would be bitchin! I really do want to look totally hot for Todd tonight!"

What has happened to my once brash son? Only a few months ago, he had nothing but scorn for men who wore women's clothes and had a relationship with another man. Now, he talked like a typical fifteen year old girl and he wanted to wear a pretty dress and look good for a horny young stud!

"Why don't you wear this?" I asked, holding up a salmon colored dress I had removed from his closet. He had bought this dress on one of his shopping trips alone, and I wondered if he had a date in mind when he brought it home. It had a low scooped front held up with spaghetti straps which would slightly reveal his blossoming breasts. It was form fitting over his small waist and rounded hips before flaring to mid-thigh to display lots of shapely leg.

"Yes! That dress is totally awesome! And I could wear my ivory pumps," he replied with a cute giggle.

"Don't you think heels are too much for a casual date," I asked.

"Heels make my legs look so sexy, Mom! Please let me wear them!" he pleaded.

"Well...okay," I relented.

"Thanks, Mom. You're completely cool. . .for an adult," he squealed, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Now, go away